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In September 2015, Caitlin applied for a Canada FACTOR Demo Grant and committed to following her dreams. She decided to put performing on hold and dedicated time with her vocal coach and various writing partners and writing groups in greater Vancouver  and Toronto.

She commissioned a PledgeMusic Campaign, which is a fundraising platform specifically for those focused on a career in music. The learning curve was steep and hard lessons were learned, but giving up was never an option.


The focus is always onward and upward.

The Campaign was a challenging venture, but the goal was reached.


Thank you to each person who supported Caitlin in the PledgeMusic Campaign. Your assistance in Caitlin's project and in her career in the music industry has been instrumental as she moves on to the next stage of this process.


Currently we are processing Caitlin's music.


Her future plans include working with video producers and committing her music to radio.


Thank you for your continued support.

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